Eco-Schools is a global educational resource that encourages children and young people to think more carefully about our world, local environment and community. It enables us to look at the nine eco-areas and see how they link to what we are doing as a school. Currently we are working towards our 'Green Flag'and would welcome any input from members of our school community, the nine areas are:
1) Waste
2) Biodiversity
3) Global citizenship
4) Energy
5) Paper
6) School grounds
7) Transport
8) Sustainability
9) Water
The current topics we have chosen to focus on are: sustainability, school grounds, biodiversity and transport. These have linked into a wide range of projects going on at the school such as the allotment beds, sensory garden, eco-garden refurbishment, chickens and the recent art week, looking at plastic pollution. As a school we are also striving to gain our Rights Respect award, which goes hand in hand with global citizenship.
To ensure we are keeping you up to date with what is happening with eco-schools we will be putting a key fact and updates onto our school newsletters.