If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, he or she is eligible to start school here in September 2025. Please contact Mrs Collis or Mrs Trewin, in our school office if you would like to have a look around telephone: 01798 342369 or office@petworthprimary.co.uk and we will arrange a time for you to come and see the school in action.


Headteacher: Mr Galvin

Assistant Headteacher : Mr Neary

Leader of Learning KS2 : Mr Neary

SENCO/Inclusion Manager & Learning Support Co-ordinator: Miss Pennicotte- Henrie

Business Manager: Mrs Carter

Office Staff:  Mrs Trewin and Mrs Collis

Teaching Staff:

Oak Class - (Reception): Miss Lenharth

Ash Class  - (Y1): Mrs Wiggs 

Rowan Class (Y2): Miss Goldsmith

Beech Class (Y3): Miss Langham

Maple Class (Y4) : Mrs Mayne

Elm Class (Y5): Miss Stedman

Willow Class (Y6): Mr Neary

PPA Teacher: Miss Pennicotte- Henrie

Forest School Leader: Mrs Dallyn

Higher Level Teaching Assistants: Mrs  Groves and Mrs Ford

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Abbott,  Mrs Dallyn, Mrs Durrant, Mrs Diaper, Mrs Howell, Miss Smith,

Mr Ford. Ms Turnbull and Miss Ford

ELSA : Mrs Gill

Mid-day Supervisors:  Ms Turnbull,  Mrs Hirons, Miss Scott and Miss Marshall

Premises Manager: Mr Rowley

Our staff are a team of committed professionals working to assist each child to

achieve his or her potential.