If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021, he or she is eligible to start school here in September 2025. Please contact Mrs Collis or Mrs Trewin, in our school office if you would like to have a look around telephone: 01798 342369 or office@petworthprimary.co.uk and we will arrange a time for you to come and see the school in action.

Who we are

Who are School Governors?

School Governors are the largest voluntary group in the UK!
Governors represent all stakeholders in the school and together help decide on the direction, focus and ethos of the school. Representatives from the school staff, parents, local community and Church means that school decisions are made by people with a wide range of experiences and views.


What do School Governors Do?

The Governing Body has a strategic role in the development of the school but does not become involved in the day-to-day management - that is the role of the headteacher and the staff.
The Governing Body does however
• provide a strategic view - governors help set and maintain the broad framework within which the headteacher and staff should run the school. They also help plan ahead by setting aims and objectives.
• act as a critical friend -  governors provide the headteacher with support and constructive advice but also provide challenge! The Governing Body is there to monitor and evaluate the school's effectiveness and governors therefore should be prepared to ask some challenging questions!
• to ensure accountability - the headteacher and staff report to the Governing Body on the school's performance. In turn the Governing Body is accountable to all stakeholders on the school's overall performance.


Collecting and publishing Governing Board Diversity data

The governors of Petworth CofE Primary School believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors will collect data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing board, we will not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Who are Petworth Primary School Governors?

Governor Categories and Terms of Office

NAME OF GOVERNOR                                                 

START DATE                                       
 END DATE                                  
 PECUNIARY INTEREST                                                                                                                                   

Jennifer Loughan             

 21.9.21  21.9.25  Co-opted None

Claire Abbott (resigned July 2024)           

 1.1.21 1.1.25  Co-opted  None

Shirley Baring -Johnstone           





Sara Bennie       



Local Authority


John Galvin        





Mark Gilbert        





Judy Howard       





Eileen Lintill


 01.11.23  31.10.27  Foundation None

Jo Collis


Brendon Rowley 

01.01.23 01.01.27 Staff None

Bryan Durrant

31.10.22 31.10.26 Parent None

Robin Wiggs 

 1.9.24  31.8.28   Parent  None

 Cathy Whitby

 1.2.25  1.2.29  Co opted  




Governors' Attendance Register 2023-2024




    FPHS         Staff           

Claire Abbott

   5/5         3 /3        N/A             N/A

Shirley Baring Johnstone


        3/3         N/A            N/A

Sara Bennie


        3/3         2/2            3/3

John Galvin


         3/3         2/2             3/3

Mark Gilbert


        N/A          2/2             0/3

 Judy Howard


         3/3         N/A            3/3

Eileen Lintill


         N/A          2/2             N/A

Jennifer Loughan

    5/5          N/A           1/2            N/A

Jo Collis


         N/A         2/2            N/A

Brendan Rowley

    3/5          N/A          1/2           N/A

Bryan Durrant

    5/5          N/A          2/2          N/A




FGB - Full Governing Body All Governors
CWS - Curriculum, Welfare          & Standards Committee      
Sara Bennie, Judy Howard, Shirley Baring-Johnstone, John Galvin
FPHS - Finance, Premises, Health & Safety Committee 
Eileen Lintill, Sara Bennie, John Galvin, Mark Gilbert, Jennifer Loughan, Jo Collis, Brendon Rowley, Bryan Durrant,  Robin Wiggs
Staff - Staffing Committee    
Judy Howard, Sara Bennie, Shirley Baring-Johnstone, John Galvin, Mark Gilbert.


Sara Bennie

(Co-Chairperson) Local Authority Governor

I became a Parent Governor when we moved to Petworth and our children started at PPS. I wanted to be involved in their education and make a positive contribution to our local school. Over twenty five years later I am still a governor but now represent the Local Authority. Having retired after 30 years in teaching I feel I have time and experience to offer the school as both Chair of Governors and the Curriculum Committee. I find being a governor a rewarding and fulfilling experience.

Mrs Eileen Lintill

(Co-Chairperson) Foundation Governor

I became a governor many years ago as my own children attended both PPS and Herbert Shiner School. I am the representative for St Mary's Church. As a long term resident of Petworth I want to actively support young people in the town as they are our future.

Mr John Galvin


Mrs Judy Howard

Foundation Governor

I am a representative for St. Mary’s Church. Having retired as Assistant Principal Education Welfare Officer, specialising in children’s welfare and attendance at school, I wanted to continue my involvement in the lives of young people. Our youngest son attended Herbert Shiner School. I was a Cub leader and ran a Community Playgroup for many years so have therefore been involved in all ages of young people. My strong interest in Education is maintained by sitting on the Diocesan Board of Education and now as a Governor of PPS to which I hope to help and bring some expertise.

Mrs Shirley Baring-Johnstone

Co-opted Governor

I was a primary school teacher for many years. My volunteering roles all still revolve round young people. I am passionate about the importance of children developing an understanding of their place in the world. I am proud to be a governor and part of the rich school life that is offered to our pupils both within the classroom and outside.

Father Mark

Foundation Governor

Rector of St Mary's Parish Church

Mrs Claire Abbott

Co-opted Governor

As a parent I want to play an active part in helping to develop our children's school. As a parent governor I hope to assist the school in its commitment to its pupils by supporting but also challenging the school's management. I aim to represent the views of the parents so that the parent voice is considered in the strategy making process and look forward to gaining a greater understanding of the many issues which play a part in our children's education.

Mrs Jennifer Loughan

Co-opted Governor

As a parent governor I am keen to be involved in the positive future progress of the school especially as I have three children who attend the school. I also work full time and as a family we have a farm so hope I can offer some business focus, creativity, positive input and practical skills to the role.

Mr Brendon Rowley

Staff Governor

Mrs Jo Collis

Parent Governor

Having fairly recently moved to Petworth, not only do I want to be more involved in my daughter's education and personal development at PPS but I'd very much like to get to know the school community (parents, pupils and staff) better understand where I can assist in making an already great school fantastic. I'm looking forward to gaining additional knowledge and taking more positive steps in my role as parent governor.